šŸš€ Second Salary: Build an Online Business in Denmark (Working Part-Time)

This is the ultimateĀ step-by-step and ultra-actionable courseĀ and toolkitĀ to help you build aĀ very profitable online businessĀ in as little asĀ four hours a week.

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šŸŒ An Online Business Can 100% Change Your Life

It's crazy to say this (!) but I have been earning money online for close toĀ fifteen years.

Having an online business has beenĀ THEĀ key enablerĀ for me to achieve most of the important milestones in my life:

šŸ‡©šŸ‡°Ā Ā 
Moving to Denmark -Ā I moved to Europe from Argentina to study in the Copenhagen Business School and paid my way through two years of studiesĀ entirely from my online revenues.Ā (There has been no more consequential life decision in my life than this!)
šŸŒĀ Ā Traveling to 135+ Countries -Ā I was a digital nomad before it became cool. I traveled to and lived in an absurdly high number of countriesĀ without having to "live off my savings".Ā 
šŸ§³Ā Ā Building an A-List CareerĀ - I built a an unconventional career combining financial freedom and interesting projects in Denmark's top companies such as Maersk and Carlsberg.
šŸ’°Ā Achieving Financial IndependenceĀ - I have what amounts to "two salaries" (day job, online business) and can save a ton of money. I'm financially independent 20+ years earlier than I "should" be.

In all, I can say - without doubt - that having a profitable online business isĀ the world's ultimate life hack.

šŸ“š Iā€™m Sharing 15 Years of Knowledge With You

Building an online, all-automated money-making business has been THE obsession for my entire adult life.

I have studied the area intensely. I have tried and practiced every trick and strategy imaginable.Ā Including:Ā 
  • Read 200+ Books - includingĀ all the classics
  • Heard 10.000+ Hours of PodcastsĀ 
  • Participated in $50.000+ Worth of Courses in Seminars
  • Launched 50+ Websites, Published 100+ Videos, 20+ Products
I consolidated ALL MY NOTES, ALL MY EXPERIENCE into this course.

I can tell you already, without a doubt that:
  • It IS LEGIT possible to earn a lot of money online, working just four hours a week
  • It is - counter-intuitively - EASY TO DO, but only once you have built the right systems
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šŸ‘‡ My Wild Story As Online Entrepreneur

šŸ¤“ I Was A Dreamer

I grew up as a "dreamer" (or you can call me a renegade), who - in the bravado of my very early 20s - believed that it was possible (if not my "right") to be able to doĀ what I wanted, where I wanted, when wanted.

I NEVER thought I would get a "real job".

People were quick to tell me, every time, how unrealistic such objective was.

For months, all I heard from friends, family, and everyone else was: ā€œMario, you canā€™tā€. ā€œLife doesnā€™t work like thatā€. ā€œGet a real job, make millions, and then maybeā€.

In all fairness, these people genuinely cared for me. They didnā€™t say those things to hurt me, but to try to make me understand that in the real the world things are complicated.Ā 

ā˜€ļø My Quest to Build a Lifestyle Business

Thereā€™s always at least one ā€œcrazyā€ person doing something the whole world thinks is insane.

In the wild and old days of 2009, I found two of those "crazy persons" - who then became my online mentors:
  • Tim Ferriss, Author of The 4 Hour Workweek, andĀ 
  • Chris Guillebeau, Author of The Art of Nonconformity
While Tim and Chris and now world-famous (sort of), that was not the case in 2009. They had a followingā€”but it was a far cry from what theyā€™ve now.

Discovering Tim and Chris was a massive a-ha moment for me. They were paving the way.Ā If they, two ā€œnormalā€ guys, could do whatever they wanted, where they wanted, when they wantedā€¦ Why not me?

I could have a lifestyle as Timā€™s or Chrisā€™, I figured, if I built a fully automated business as they had done.Ā Their businesses were the great lever.

I dived deep into the topic, searching and learning everything I could of what are now dubbed ā€œlifestyle businessesā€.

The idea of lifestyle businesses such as Timā€™s and Chrisā€™ is that they separate income generation (money) from active work (time).

While lifestyle businesses require a big upfront time investment (and money, sometimes), once theyā€™re up and running they keep bringing in cash independently of how much the owners work and where they live.


šŸ¤ Hitting a Quick Success

Soon after started my own lifestyle business: ā€œDating Beautiful Womenā€, a dating and relationship advice websiteā€”basically a big guide to help guys get a girlfriend.

I worked relentlessly, night and day, to make the website grow.

Laughs aside, grow it did.

It reached 2.3 million visits in its almost four years run (MASSIVE numbers back then) and earned me good moneyā€”enough toĀ live in Rio for a couple of months, to travel around Europe and then to move to DenmarkĀ and pay for my studies.

šŸ‘‰Ā For whatever crazy goal youā€™ve, look aroundā€”thereā€™s probably someone that has already achieved it (or will do so soon). Itā€™s a lesson we must never forget.

šŸ’€ From Success to Failure

The hard truth, though, was that I had been incredibly lucky: at the right place, at the right time and playing the right games.

But I had built a lifestyle on top of a house of cards.
Ā When the cards came crashing down,Ā everything crashed at once.

It took me almost ten more years to start earning good online again. It was A LOT harder than I thought:Ā 
  • In 2013, I quit my first graduate job and decided to go all-in to become an entrepreneur. I hired 20+ interns (no joke), got a place in the startup hub and worked night and day for more than a year to build a micro-startup incubator. That never took off.
  • In 2015 I wrote and published my first book -Ā The 21 Laws of High PerformanceĀ - which, to date, has not sold even 100 copies. (I honestly believe itā€™s a great book, but itā€™s never taken off).
  • In 2016 I launched two video courses on Udemy - one on productivity, one on travel - and also failed.
  • In 2018 I wrote and published my second book -Ā How to Travel 60-90 Days a Year While Working Full TimeĀ - which bombed even harder than the first one.
Yet, I persisted through all this timeā€¦Ā 

  • In 2015 I started writing an email newsletter to friends - small, but have been at it ever since, and if you have received any of my ā€œCompassā€ emails, thatā€™s for how long Iā€™ve been at it
  • In 2018 I wrote my How to Buy a House Guide, which at last becameĀ one thing
    I put out that was popular. (Completely free, but popular)
  • Ā n 2019 I set up a new business and started selling small little things around the House Guide.
  • In 2021 I decided to also do YouTube, on the same ā€Expat in Denmarkā€ niche, and while still (relatively speaking) a small channel, it gave me a lot of exposure.
  • In 2022 and 2023 I decided to take this more seriously, and I have now *finally* a viable and automatic course business: three headline courses, live workshops, books, coaching, etc. I also earn on ads, affiliates and more.Ā I earn a full-time income online on top of my salary.Ā Iā€™m also having a lot of fun.

šŸ¦ā€šŸ”„ Persisting Until Winning

So - Perspective: I've been on this for FIFTEEN YEARS.

But I got the gist now: Iā€™m 100% confident that if my business would disappear tomorrow, I can build up something equally (or more!) profitable within a year if not less.

I learned - through reading countless books, taking seminars and courses and also just being at it for so long what exactly you need to do to build a profitable business online. I could also start a completely different topic and make it work.

THAT is what Iā€™m teaching you here. It's a decade plus worth of shortcuts and roadmaps so you donā€™t need to make the same mistakes I did on your way to succeed.

šŸ’„ The Simple "Secret" Formula to Making Money OnlineĀ 

There is a bullet-proof formula on how you can make money online:
  1. Pick a (very) specific niche - i.e., a concrete group of customers that have specific pain points and/or desires
  2. Identify where (which platforms) these people hang out and what type of content they like to consume
  3. Create, in those platforms, (very) high quality and valuable content that helps the people in the niche you picked on their pain points and/or desires -- and do it for free
  4. Get a sub-set of those people to sign up to an email newsletter, and keep adding even more value to them with more and more high quality content, still completely free
  5. In the end, offer these email subscribers the opportunity to pay for a premium productĀ 

It's not more complicated than this.Ā This WORKS.Ā It worked 15 years ago when I started and it works even better now.

šŸ¤” BUT - If This Is "So Easy" Why Do 99% of People Fail?

9 out of 10 startups fail.
It's much worse for online entrepreneurs -Ā 99 out of 100 creators completely fail.

This is DESPITE that everyone knows the formula for success.

Turns out, what matters is not just the formula but also how well you execute on it.Ā In colloquial terms:Ā getting shit done.Ā Ā 

Mind: it's NOT aboutĀ spending more time.

It's about picking the right dominos to push, and then pushing them hard.

Else, how would it possible that myself now, with a senior and management role in a top-tier company, two kids and still extensive travel plans can be MORE successful than before?

šŸ‘‰Ā I guarantee you - If I would've known this fifteen (or even ten) years agoĀ  I would already be a multi-millionaire.Ā No doubts!

āš™ļø The Literal 4-Hour Workweek

I also have a little secret:Ā I work on my business MAXIMUM four hours a week.

That's the whole idea with online businesses: you not only want to make a lot of money, but you want to do it independent of your timeĀ 
andĀ of where you are physically.

This is where I rolled my sleeves and deep dived most, now to the point that:
  • I (literally) run YouTube 2 hours a week: I film 3-4x YouTube videos in an hour, or a course in one day
  • I got a system and partners for editing videos withĀ minimalĀ involvement from my end
  • I send 2.000+ emails per month, ALL automaticallyĀ  and with flows and funnels tailored to each specific prospect
  • I use the most advanced AI and knowledge management systems and workflows to speed up scripting, product development and organization
I have systems for everything.Ā In this course I don't only teach you the systems: I SHARE the systems with you. Ā 

The Denmark Angle - Got You Covered šŸ’Ŗ

The course is country-agnostic. The material will work no matter where you live.

BUT - As a big percentage of my audience is from (or lives in) Denmark, I added special "Denmark" lessons as well, which include:
  • How to open a company in Denmark - and the pros/cons of doing so
  • The best strategies to legally pay as little tax as possibleĀ 
  • Excel templates for handling your company's cashflow and report to the authorities

Who's This For? šŸ‘‡

šŸµ You Want to Build a Business Without Quitting Your JobĀ 

āœ… You have aĀ busy full-time job, perhaps a family and a packed calendar
āœ… You want to have anĀ extra income that is independent of your time and where you live
āœ… You want toĀ save time and moneyĀ by following a proven step-by-step system
āœ… You've your "act together" and just need a guiding hand to help you start and growĀ in a structured and straight-forward way

šŸ‘‰ You're aware you've limited time and high opportunity costs and want to go straight to what works.

šŸ’€Ā  Who's the Course NOT for?

āŒ You'reĀ looking for a magic bulletĀ that will cause your life to dramatically improve without any effort.
There's no secret here. It's just about putting in the work and stacking the deck in your favor in whatever way you can.
āŒ You'reĀ afraid of putting yourself out thereĀ ā€“ because hey, while you donā€™t need to be the face of your business, it will help
āŒ You'reĀ looking for a get rich quick scheme. This is NOT going to help you make money without any effort.

āš”ļø What You Can Expect


šŸ“• Most Condensed Knowledge & Experience

I consolidated a decade plus worth of notes on top books, podcasts, courses, and - most of all - personal experience. I also met (and lived with!) successful entrepreneurs and online business ā€œmastersā€. I'm sharing with you just the very best and most relevant info ā€“Ā saving you years (!) of work.

šŸ—ŗ Ultra Actionable Roadmaps

All my content is packaged withĀ insights, actions, strategies and tactics and no fluff.Ā This is not the exception!

749 kr. (50% OFF Launch Price)

šŸš€ Second Salary: Build an Online Business in Denmark (Working Part-Time)

100+ Lessons, Sections & Toolkits

  • Step-by-Step, Ultra-Actionable Guide to Help you Build an Online Business
  • 15 Years of Research & Action - Condensed to Save You TimeĀ 
  • How to Create Products That "Sell Themselves"Ā 
  • Action Plan to Automate Everything With AI & Systems
  • Everything Denmark: Open a Company, Reporting, Paying Less Taxes Possible
  • Access to My Private Online Community
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

šŸ” Lock In The Exclusive Price

Get the course for up to 50% off whenĀ ordering this week.

This is an exclusive offer, as the course is new and only opened for enrollmentĀ just now!


šŸ”„ Pre Order Now and Also Get These GREAT Bonuses

The course is coming online inĀ SeptemberĀ - these are all the great things you get while you wait:

šŸŽ„ Behind the Scenes: See My YouTube Studio (1000 kr value)

Iā€™m for the first time and exclusively for those who pre-order showing my unique 100.000 kr YouTube Studio: the ā€œmachineā€ that lets me film 3-4x videos in an hour. I spent months building and researching this and you get it all consolidated. (Spoiler Alert: it all fits in ONE desk!)

āš™ļø Tools of Success Webinar (899 kr value)

I will record - exclusively for pre-order buyers - a workshop where I run through my entire knowledge management system: the apps I use, how they play with each other, and how I use them for personal, business and even for my day job.

šŸ”„ High Performance Courses (2200 kr value)

You'll get immediate access to four of my top performing products on high performance, world travel and money management.Ā 

šŸ“† Annual Review Invitation (699 kr value)

You'll get a free invitation to my Annual Review Workshop in December. The past iterations have been a huge success and helped changed lives.

šŸŒŸ 100% Satisfaction Guarantee - No Risk, Money-Back Promise

I want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you. So, if you go through all modules, complete all the exercises, and still donā€™t find the course useful, drop me an email within 30 days of buying the course and I'll happily refund your full payment.

Please note that the money-back guarantee only applies if you actually do the work and complete all modules. If you don't do the work, you won't get any value from the course. šŸ™‚

ā¤ļø What Happy Viewers and Readers Say on YouTubeĀ 

šŸ“š What Is Included in the Course

The course is divided intoĀ eight modules with 50+ video lessons (all with transcripts!), including:

ā¤ļø What More Happy Viewers and Readers Say on YouTubeĀ 

šŸ’¬ Frequently Asked Questions

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šŸ„· Get Ready to Become an Entrepreneur

If you have any questions or concerns about the course,Ā you can always reach out to me via emailĀ or Twitter or YouTube or anywhere šŸ˜€. I'll be happy to help!

749 kr. - Price Increasing Next Week

šŸš€ Second Salary: Build an Online Business in Denmark (Working Part-Time)

100+ Lessons, Sections & Toolkits

  • Step-by-Step, Ultra-Actionable Guide to Help you Build an Online Business
  • 15 Years of Research & Action - Condensed to Save You TimeĀ 
  • How to Create Products That "Sell Themselves"Ā 
  • Action Plan to Automate Everything With AI & Systems
  • Everything Denmark: Open a Company, Reporting, Paying Less Taxes Possible
  • Access to My Private Online Community
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

šŸ“œ The Business ā€œCheat Sheetā€ I Wish I Had When I Started

If I were to do it all over again, I would putĀ my sole focusĀ on building the systems and process that youā€™ll learn in this course.Ā This is really the shortcut I wish I had when I started.
You canā€™t imagine the amount of time, energy and MONEY that I could have saved with a straightforward, clear-cut gameplan like this.

You can go straight for the win. After going through this program, youā€™ll have a razor sharp understanding of what you need to do to succeed on this exciting and challenging journey.

Donā€™t wait on this. You deserve it.